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Plant Layouts

In this page you will find a listing of generic layouts, i.e. example layouts for different types of ORC plants having the purpose of giving an idea of the plant dimensions. The plant layouts may be viewed on-screen or downloaded as PDF vector files which may either printed (on A3 format or larger paper) or examined and zoomed without quality loss by using any program which can read files in Portable Document (PDF) format, such as Adobe Reader™, which can be downloaded for free here).

100-kWe Woodchip-Fueled ORC Plant

ORC Module
Customized ZE-100-LT
Power generation from biomass
Thermal power input
850 kWT
Electric power output
100 kWE (150kWE nominal)
Hot Side
Boiler fueled by wood chips (sawmill residues)
Cold Side
Evaporative Cooling Tower
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175-kWE Biomass-fueled ORC plant

ORC Module
standard ZE-175-LT
Power generation from biomass
Thermal power input
1280 kWT
Electric power output
175 kWE
Hot Side
Boiler fueled by tree pruning residues
Cold Side
Evaporative Cooling Tower
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