Below you will find a selection of plants realized using ORC modules by Zuccato Energia, listed with the most recent plants first.
You can also use the filters below to to the references that interest you most.
(recovery from melting furnaces)
(cogeneration plant)
(a Jenbacher biogas-fueled genset)
(two Jenbacher biogas-fueled gensets)
(boiler fueled by wood prunings) / Heat recovery (from hot-air-turbines)
(pyrolitic gasification) and engines (syngas-fueled genset)
(MAN vegetable oil-fueled gensets)
(poultry manure)
(wood and bark scraps from sawmill operation)
(solar concentrator panels + methane-fueled gas boiler)
(pruning residues)
(end-of-life shipping pallets)
(Jenbacher biogas-fueled genset)
(two MAN biogas-fueled gensets)
(vegetable oil - fueled genset)
(MAN biogas-fueled genset )
(wood scraps from production of wooden horticultural trays and crates)
(pruning residues)
hybrid (solar concentrator panels + biogas-fueled gas boiler)
Power generation with a boiler burning biomass
Heat recovery from engines (biogas)
Heat recovery from processes and engines
(Heavy fuel diesel gensets)
(Daewoo vegetable oil-fueled genset)